XII Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (Colage 2021)
Will be held Online (in Chile), from 22 to 26 of November 2021.
Important Information:
Registration and Abstract Deadline, September 25, 2021
Registration is free for participants
Abstract and Registration Information
Abstract/Registration Submission Deadline: Please submit an abstract of your presentation before September 25, 2021 with the following format to ccc.fisica.ciencias@uchile.cl Don't forget to mention the scientific session and the choice of Oral or Poster.
Final decision about Abstracts: October 20
- We encourage female students and researchers to participate.
- Also instrumentation deployment and machine learning applications in each session are particularly welcomed.
- If you are not presenting, and want to attend the meeting, please contact ccc.fisica.ciencias@uchile.cl
The list of Scientific sessions and Tentative Schedule:
Note that some of the convenors may change.
Oral session: 9:30 a 13:00 (Chile time) with a break of 30 minutes
Poster session: 14:30 a 16:00
1. Monday November 22nd, 9:30 a 13:00 (Chile Time)
Space Plasma Physics and Nonlinear processes in Space Geophysics:We welcome contributed poster papers on theoretical, numerical and observational studies of
fundamental linear and nonlinear processes in space plasmas and space geophysics. In addition
to contributed poster papers, this session will consist of 2 Plenary Talks on "Solar plasma observation
by Hinode and Solar Dynamic Observatory" and "Solar wind plasma observation by Parker Solar Probe
and Solar Orbiter", and 10 Invited Talks on: photospheric convection and solar magnetic field; MHD
simulation of coronal loops; Lagrangian coherent structures in solar plasmas; planetary and
interplanetary bow shocks; magnetospheric response to interplanetary shocks; radial evolution
of solar wind turbulence; Alfven-ion cyclotron wave interactions with ions in the solar wind;
complexity-entropy analysis of interplanetary plasmas; electron heat-flux transport in the solar wind;
and ion cyclotron heating in the solar wind.
2. Tuesday November 23rd, 9:30 a 13:00 (Chile Time)
Solar Physics, heliosphere, cosmic rays
3. Wednesday November 24th, 9:30 a 13:00 (Chile Time)
The Solar wind
4. Thursday November 25th, 9:30 a 13:00 (Chile Time)
The interaction of the sun with the planets, and space weather: This section is devoted to all contributions related to the Sun-Planets interaction and Space Weather. Among the covered topics (but not limited to) are monitoring, analysis and modelling, understanding and forecasting the state of the Sun, the interplanetary and planetary environments, the solar and non-solar driven perturbations that affect them, and forecasting and now-casting the possible impacts on biological and technological systems, etc. Additionally, we strongly encourage new contributions regarding instrumentation and instrument networks (especially in Latinamerica) as well as the development of new methods and procedures in the field of Data Science applied to Space Weather.
5. Friday November 26th, 9:30 a 13:00 (Chile Time)
Ionosphere and high atmosphere: In this session, we expect to receive updated works on the open issues related to the research of the ionospheric and high atmosphere, especially when such studies were fully or partially carried out over Latin American. Theoretical and experimental research are welcome. Development of new techniques, equipment, of approaches for study the ionospheric and high atmosphere environments are also strongly encouraged.
14:30 a 16:00 (Chile Time)
Poster Session
The Latin American Association of Space Geophysics (Asociación
Latinoamericana de Geofísica Espacial or ALAGE) is always looking for
ways to support the advancement of women in Space Geophysics. And,
we join the United Nations official commemoration of the International
Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women this November 25th, that kicks off the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence